Friday, February 29, 2008

Working with that special someone

It must be a case of bad karma.. must be the god of tuna, since I'm packing tuna sandwiches everyday... He's punishing me for finishing those cans of tuna off.. hence what happened today happened. It all started with the fatal call that I picked up at 0750 hrs

Caller: Is this the mobile clinic of Dr Dodo?
Me: (thinking: who's the goon.. ppl just say MDC blah blah) Yes.... (a few seconds later..... realisation of the caller's identity, and frantic silent prayers ensued)
Special someone: Hi, my nurse is on MC today, I called Dr c and she asked me to go over to your mobile and help out
Me: (relieved) Oh, we have cross country today, so we're not screening cases. Morning we're doing stock taking and afternoon, we're havign few appt cases, but we can handle them! No worries!
SS: Oh, but it's ok. I can come and help out. (goes on a rambling on why he doesn't want to go back to the centre, cos he's leaving for KL at 7pm, lives in CCK, doesn't want to go back to take luggage, cos it's very leh cheh...........)
Me:(half asleep from the grandpapa's story) ok, but we REALLY don't need your help.
SS: can i help you in the stock taking then?
Me:(HUH?) Ok, why not you do your stock taking. Or maybe give dr c a call? She may suggest something more productive

0800(in the toilet), phone rang
SS: ok, i've spoken to her, I'm going to come down, and drive your nurse personally to my mobile and I'll return her during the aft noon.
Me:(return the nurse? your nurse is a book ah?) Ok, I'll speak to her later, cos I'm in the toilet. I heard her mention sth about sorting out consent forms also for the audit.

0810: After discussion, realised that there's no point in me doing stock taking since I won't know where some things are kept.. So both of us decided in taking on this mission together. With heavy hearts, we packed our gloves, laptop and drove to the school. Reached at 830. But SS only reached at 855

Below is the chat that explains what happened

(r: Me, S: friend, dr c: boss, D: my nurse, H: SS's nurse)
r says:cos my sch no sch today.. cos x cty
r says:and H on mc
r says:so dr c ask us to go over to help
r says:and gosh
r says:took my life man...
r says:he just started calling pts the moment we went into his moble
S says:what happened?
r says:D hasnt even set up her things.. dunno where H kept her stuff..
r says:for me.. i've not even set up my laptop yet
r says:and this guy just said. ok i'm doing appt, you're doing screening cases.. and he went off to call like 6 pts
r says:wth!
r says:then after that
r says:realised that he updates the consent forms one by one, he doesnt use the class list function
r says:and i thought he doesnt know of that function
r says:and i told him.. u can update as a whole class
r says:he told me
r says:er.. ya..Sue also does it that way.. that's one way to do it, but i do it this way..
r says:i was like.. wth.. waste so much time befor each pt to update consent.. when u can easily update as a class...
r says:its like saying.. from yishun to amk.. u can either take the train 2 stops down, or you can go to jurogn east, change to the green line, change at raffles place, go to the red line.. and stop at amk..
r says:which one would u choose?
r says:and he passed me this orange file with this gigantic stack of consent forms, and he files up all the forms according to class.. and i haveto fish out those that are not updated and screen those
r says:really do a lot of extra stuff
S says:haiyo
S says:but he's still at his first sch or second now?
r says:and havent finish yet
r says:at his first sch
r says:he's shifting on 7th
r says:then i was in charge of screening right
r says:then i realised that d did not have the class list to call pts
r says:cos there were no lists on the table
r says:so i told d, take the consent forms and call from there, and pass to me when pt is here.. if not how she know who to call right
S says:yup
r says:then that guy said u know what? i'm so pissed
S says:what he say
r says:"hey, dont do that, it'll be v messy!'
r says:i was thinking
S says:hahaha
r says:walau.. as if things are not messy enough
r says:then i said
r says:then nvm lah
r says:u tell me where's the class list.. if not she wont know which pts to call right
r says:like who rejected consent and so on
S says:is there one?
S says:as in do they keep it
r says:and guess what.. he said there is..
r says:and he told me.. he doesnt know where is it
r says:so how? u tell me lah!
S says:then in the end what happened
r says:so i copied the names on a list for d
r says:and passed to her lor
r says:i said.. ok nvm.. consent forms i keep
r says:so irritated
r says:then somemore
r says:ok.. there was this korean guy whom he called , but i can't find his consent form
r says:so i asked him.. boy, did u hand it up?
r says:boy said yes
r says:i asked special someone to coem and find or give me the consent form if it's with him
r says:that guy can't find the consent form.. and it's darn messy the file
r says:so i said.. i dont want to see the pt lah
r says:cos i just came.. no consent, how i know if the parent say ok or not ok
r says:and u know what he said?
r says:he said.. in this case it's different, it's not like the pt did not hand in the form, but the pt did hand in, but we can't find the form
r says:i was thinking.. so... can i imagine a piece of paper in front of me, that resembles the consent form.. and i imagine that the parent consented?
r says:so i shld be seeing the pt
r says:what logic?
S says:huh ya
S says:so in the end, usee?
r says:no lah!
S says:ya dun see la
S says:no point.
y says:if special someone turn around and say i told her don't have consent form, but she still saw
r says:and come on lah.. only one screening case
r says:are you that hard up for me to see that one screening case?
r says:he knows that we don't have the consent form
r says:and he wants me to see!
S says:ya that's really absurd
S says:dun care abt him
S says:but at least it's just a day
r says:half a day in fact
S says:oh hahah thats good
r says:and he was pushing for the powervac guys to come and clear the tank
S says:huh?
r says:cos he said.. monday he's on leave
r says:i mean.. the tank is full lah
r says: supposedly.. clearing the water tank would stop his workflow
r says:powervac clear water tank.. guan1 ni3 pi4 shi4
r says:they clear outside, your pts are inside
r says:not like u can't use the water when they're clearing the tank
S says:yah precisely
r says:at first he wanted to follow us to the mobile
r says:u know his reason?
S says:why
S says:he lonely?
S says:haha
r says:he told d 'cos i'm a guy'
r says:d was like.. ya.. i know
S says:huh
S says:so?
r says:but u're not seeing pts what!
r says:why do u need to care if you're alone or not, if no female pts are inside?

I shall be turning vegetarian soon, to atone for my bad karma.. hopefully it'll help


Anonymous said...

As YH would say.... Kam Pua Suay. I will be feeling yr pain soon. =(

Anonymous said...

tell me about it... well.. all I can say is.. we're with you in spirit. good luck, you'll need some


Anonymous said...

It's been ages since I visited your blog, and I must say you have certainly progressed from the early days of starting out - good job!! Keep writing and posting okies, aim to be the kennysia of Sg hor :)