Monday, November 5, 2007

Pottery 101

Venue: AMK CC, next to a old town centre, where the newly renovated hawker centre appeared as the most modern piece of architecture. Surroundings appeared stuck somewhere in the 80s, which I like.
Time: 7 to 10pm
Instructor: Mr L@#, someone who appears to be of Prof Yao's era, the sort who would throw your piece into the bin if it's not satisfactory to his taste. Emphasised on teaching and mastering the basics. Condemned use of machinery and use of ANY shortcuts. Spent a considerable length of time lecturing on harmful side effects of disposable wooden chopsticks, 'chicken' glass bowl (the ones found in old hawker stalls) and any glassware with patterns found on them.
What we did: kneading the clay to get rid of air bubbles, rolling them into cylindrical shapes. Drawing perfect circles on clay. We will probably end up with rather nice arm muscles towards the end of the course.
Next lesson: We'll make a cylinder, and some animal of our preference. I want to do a chicken.

Any good recommendations for a digicam? I'm deciding between a sleek, point and shoot camera, and a camera with more manual controls but thicker, less sleek. Hmm...

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