Thursday, November 29, 2007

I've got a sticker!

Another patient made my day again.
Let's call this guy A. A is a 4 yr old boy, came in, sullen sulky, recipe for a crying,screaming kid.
He was a walk-in case, and had complained of pain, which disturbed his sleep for a night, and was painful when he bit down on food. The mother was worried, and had taken leave to bring the patient back for a consultation.
The previous visit was a relatively smooth one with acclimatization and 2 small fillings done, but the mother mentioned that he was reluctant and resistant towards coming back after that visit. Wow I thought, damn, how should I convince this kid to work with me, when he was already resistant towards treatment, and had severe pain the night before.
Starting from the entrance of the cubicle, the patient had refused to come in. Mother brought the kid around the other cubicles and showed him how the rest were responding well to treatment. Thankfully, no crying wailing kids were present at that time. If not, it would be a tough case of persuasion.
Next, he made the entry successfully,but refused to sit on the chair.He was totally unresponsive, didn't speak a word, didn't left an arm or leg to get onto the chair, his mother had to carry him onto it.
Coming on, opening his mouth. He pursed his lips tighter everytime his mother asked him to open for me. After using the big fat uncle threat and the 'going home with me,since you don't want to open for me' threat, he finally opened. Sticking my finger in, I refused to budge, lest he shuts his mouth when I remove it.
Taking an xray for him, I realised that the area that he pointed to was not giving him the problem, but the back tooth. Unable to give anaesthetic solution, I could only manage to scoop out decay with my insturments and used a little of my handpiece, amidst a crying, moving head. I was so certain that I'd mutiliate his cheek, but thankfully, I didnt. Stuffed a medicated cotton pellet in, and tampahed a temporary dressing. All this while, the mother helped by convincing the kid not to shut his mouth on my rotating handpiece.
The mother then egged me on to do the second filling for him, as she was convinced that the child would not return for a second time. I agreed and made the kid hook fingers with me, saying that he must promise me to behave, if not I'll be very sad. Upon lowering the chair, the kid shut his mouth tight again. Damn.. urgh, spent the next few minutes coaxing the kid and the mother was asked to leave. Miraculously, this time round, the child opened, and we were able to place in a permanent filling.
The kid was a completely changed person after getting off the chair. He was bubbly, smiling at his mother, and he even gave me and my nurse two stickers from his collection. He promised me to behave better the next time round. Well hopefully he keeps to his promise. I'm feeling rather happy that I am able to alleviate his pain for him, and you can see the transformation in his behaviour, from a sullen kid to a smiling one. This is the satisfying part of the job that keeps us going I guess, to be able to help others solve their problems and enjoy their food and playtime better.
Ok, back to work again! Let's hope this day will be as good a day as yesterday. Going to extract a tooth for my appointment kid later, let's hope it'll be a smooth one.


Anonymous said...

Wah u are very very patient.

Anonymous said...

Haha, not really, just that I'm trying my best to learn to deal with kids like that, so that next time i'll be able to handle them. As long as they don't scream into my ears, I'm all right with crying and sobbing.