Friday, May 22, 2009

Mid point

I'm approaching the end of one more posting, which will be ending in June. Starting work, rumoured to be at another level come July.. feeling excited about returning to the old place, sense of deja vu, but with a different group of people brings with it different human dynamics, shall see what the next posting will be like.
Some clinical situations still throw me off, leaving me flummoxed at times, but somehow, basic principles never fail, not the basic principles that they taught in school, but having enough humility to ask, and willingness to learn should keep one safe from committing massive mistakes. I've been pretty fortunate to be able to learn from the many consults that I've gotten, and with this posting, doing so much of general dentistry, also taught me a great deal about time management,great being an understatement. Doing so much has also made me realise how much more I don't know.. irony huh..
Am now embarking on a self enforced regimen to prepare for The Run in July. Progress has been... mediocre at best ha.. but well..the procrastinator in me will assure myself that I've still got time. Shall see how much I can pull off this time round.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Man, I hate it when I have so many self doubts, I should just do it... I'm so wishy washy, I can't stand myself sometimes.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Let's hope that common sense shall prevail, and things will go my way. Sometimes, I wish that some people could have used more consideration before doing things their way, and spare a whole trail of people unnecessary and unwarranted unhappiness.

Sunday: supreme court outing!
Counting down to end of the work week..

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Saturday, January 24, 2009

New posting, new beginnings

It's been almost a month into the new posting now. I do miss the old place, its people and the environment now and then. The new place is quieter, I've got my own room and my own nurse, though most people will prefer having their own privacy, I miss the old chatter and bing bang that is constantly happening around the old one..
People wise... I think I've still got a lot to learn on manouveuring my way through 'minefields'. I don't know when I've offended someone, or when someone is trying to hint on something else.. a lot of second guessing.. urgh
And I think I'm a pushover too.. do I appear to loserish, that some people doubt my ability to protect myself? I've got people who constantly look after me, but I'm not as foolish as I appear to be to do silly things that they think I would have done if they had not stopped me? Hai sian.. and the AnE call is not making things better.. rude staff, who talk as if I'm out to steal stuff from the operatory.. man.. I should learn to be more firm. Maybe people do respond better to fierce people and therefore, get their jobs done.
Bad start to 2009